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Help! My Teeth Are Yellow

Help! My Teeth Are Yellow

VP Dental |

When you don’t like the color of your teeth, it can be hard to smile. Whitening your teeth not only changes your appearance, but it can enhance your confidence and change your countenance, as well.

At VP Dental in Raleigh, North Carolina, Dr. Valerie M. Preston and our team are teeth whitening specialists that can transform your smile in just one visit.

Causes of yellowing teeth

Your teeth can become stained, discolored, or yellow for several reasons, including:

  • • Smoking
  • • Chewing tobacco
  • • Eating and drinking foods that can stain (dark berries, red wine, coffee)
  • • Poor dental hygiene
  • • Injury to your mouth

You can also have a reaction to mouthwash or medications that cause your teeth to discolor. Genetics can play a role, as well.

No matter the cause of your yellowing teeth, our team has the expertise and experience to whiten them, give you the look you desire, and get you smiling with confidence.

Treatments for whitening your teeth

Dr. Preston and our team offer two different methods for whitening your teeth. They include:

In-office professional whitening

We make sure you feel comfortable and relaxed as you lay back in the dental chair. We apply a bleaching agent to your teeth and might use UV light to activate the chemicals to enhance your outcome.

Our whitening procedure can lift the color of your teeth by seven shades. Your treatment only takes an hour and you see results immediately.

At-home professional bleaching

If you choose to whiten your teeth at home with our system, we take an impression of your teeth to create a mold that you wear while whitening your teeth. After a few days, you can pick up your tray and bleaching agent to get started on whitening your teeth.

The at-home treatment may take several days before you start to see a change. Within two weeks, you should have the results you want.

Other options for your teeth

You can solve your teeth discoloration with other solutions besides bleaching, such as veneers. They’re tiny, thin layers of porcelain that cover your natural teeth. They look and feel as if they’re your own, and they function the same, too.

Veneers not only give you the look of new, white teeth, but they can give your smile a whole, new appearance overall. Veneers can repair other issues, such as weak, chipped, or misshapen teeth.

To learn more about how to correct your yellowing teeth, call us at 919-230-6121 today or book your visit online. You can also send Dr. Preston and our team a message if you have questions or concerns before your visit.

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