How Sugar Affects Your Dental Health
How Sugar Affects Your Dental Health
Your mouth contains many types of bacteria. Some are good, but some are bad. Your mouth has the natural capability to fight off damage with your saliva, but if you abuse your teeth with foods that can cause repetitive attacks on your enamel, you can develop a cavity or other harmful dental issues.
At VP Dental in Raleigh, North Carolina, Dr. Valerie M. Preston and our professional team can give you guidance and tips on how to avoid harm to your oral health — starting with sugar.
How sugar damages your teeth
Did you know that an exclusive group of destructive bacteria create acid in your mouth when encountered with sugar? The acids then harm your tooth enamel by removing its needed minerals that protect the outer layer of your tooth.
When your harmful bacteria digest the sugar in the foods you’re eating, the acid makes your enamel weak, resulting in tooth decay that causes a hole in your tooth or what we call a cavity.
If you don’t have your cavity treated, it can spread deep into your tooth, which can cause pain and eventually lead to possibly losing your tooth.
How to improve your tooth enamel
Because your teeth are exposed to cavity-making acids, you can reverse the damage with minerals, which come from your saliva. Remineralization strengthens your teeth and helps repair your weak enamel.
Cutting down on sugar is one way to help your tooth enamel remineralize. You can also stimulate your saliva flow by eating high-fiber fruits and vegetables and chewing sugarless gum.
Your teeth also love calcium and phosphates, so we recommend you consume dairy products. Black and green teas also help keep harmful bacteria away.
Other ways to protect your oral health
We encourage several preventive measures to take care of your teeth and gums, which include:
- • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush
- • Flossing at least once a day
- • Visiting our office every six months for routine cleanings
- • Getting x-rays once a year
We encourage you to take care of your teeth and gums with these simple steps to keep your dental health at its peak performance. When you practice healthy oral hygiene, your teeth and gums stay strong, and you can smile with confidence.
To learn more about how to avoid dental health issues, contact us today. Call [phone] or book your visit online. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments that you’d like to leave us, send Dr. Preston and our team a message.