What to Know Before Getting a Dental Crown
What to Know Before Getting a Dental Crown
We get it. No one looks forward to their dental appointment. However, if you’re living with decayed or damaged teeth, and the pain that often comes with them, crowns can be lifesaving.
Dr. Valerie M. Preston and our team at VP Dental are dedicated to providing you with effective and comprehensive dental care. We created this helpful guide to educate you on dental crowns and ensure you know what to expect before and after the procedure.
When you need a crown
You’ve probably heard of crowns before, but you might not be certain of what they are. A crown is a hollow covering that’s designed to mimic the appearance and texture of your natural teeth. It fits over your teeth, keeping them protected and maintaining an optimal aesthetic appearance.
Crowns come in a couple of different materials, with the two most popular being ceramic or porcelain. When we put in a crown, we cement it over your existing tooth to ensure it remains strong and lasting.
The benefits of crowns
There are a few reasons why you may need a crown. If your tooth is cracked, damaged, or weak, a crown can protect the sensitive nerves that lie in the center of your teeth. Crowns are also great for cavities or to repair a tooth that has undergone a root canal.
Crowns are one of the more affordable options when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. They’re also a great permanent option. The average lifespan for crowns is 15 years, and if you take care of them properly, they can last even longer.
Taking care of your crowns
Even though a crown may protect your teeth, you still have to take care of them, to keep them from decaying. So be sure to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Be sure to keep your regular dental appointments as well, approximately every six months.
You’ll also want to avoid excessive clenching and grinding, as doing so can cause chips or cracks to your crowns. Talk to us if you think you may be grinding your teeth at night. Additionally, avoid chewing on ice, hard candy, or other hard foods, as these can also crack or chip your crowns.
What to expect during your crown appointment
Before fitting your crowns, we do a thorough initial dental examination. We also take X-rays to catch any cavities and additional problems. We then numb the area where we’ll attach the crown, and reshape your tooth along the tops and sides so that we can properly fit the crown over it.
In cases where your teeth are severely damaged, we may need to fill in your tooth with bonding to ensure it can handle a crown.
We then take a scan of your teeth to get measurements and dimensions. These scans are sent to a lab that creates your customized crown. We may give you a temporary crown if your teeth are damaged enough.
It’s during your next appointment, once your crowns have arrived from the lab, that we cement your permanent crowns, ensuring they look and feel natural.
You don’t have to live with the pain and discomfort of damaged teeth. To learn more about crowns and discover if they’re the right option for you, visit our website to make an appointment today.