White Smile Checklist: 10 Ways To Keep Your Pearly Whites Illuminated
White Smile Checklist: 10 Ways To Keep Your Pearly Whites Illuminated
An attractive smile is essential for a good first impression. Dull, discolored teeth can make you too embarrassed to smile or talk with confidence, which can affect your self-image. Diet, lifestyle, dental problems, skipping professional cleanings and dental care, and other factors can affect the whiteness and brightness of your smile. Fortunately, you can take steps to keep your pearly whites illuminated and attractive.
Ten Steps for the Whitest Teeth Possible
Yellowing teeth are the result of deep and surface-level stains on the tooth enamel, which is the tough outer layer of teeth. Follow these steps to keep your teeth as white as possible.
1. Brush and floss regularly
Brushing and flossing can help scrub away stains and reduce your risk of tooth decay and other dental problems that make your teeth look dull and unhealthy. Regular brushing removes bacteria, plaque and leftover food from your teeth and gums. Flossing helps remove plaque and food from between teeth, so teeth look as clean and white as possible.
2. Avoid food and beverages that can stain your teeth
Certain food and beverages, such as tomato sauces and tea, can stain your teeth. Colas and dark juices can also discolor your teeth. Stay away from sugary foods that can cause tooth decay, which dulls your smile.
3. Diet that encourages healthy, white teeth
Some foods, such as calcium-rich dairy products, sardines and canned salmon, and dark leafy greens promote strong bones and teeth. Foods containing phosphorus, such as eggs, fish, dairy, lean meats, nuts and beans, are also good for healthy, white teeth.
4. Eat “detergent foods”
Crisp, firm foods scrub away leftover food particles, plaque and other substances that can dull your teeth. For whiter teeth, try eating apples and raw vegetables that help clean your teeth as you eat.
5. Brush your teeth with baking soda
Replace your regular toothpaste with baking soda at least once a week, or check to see if baking soda is an active ingredient in your current toothpaste. Baking soda safely and effectively lifts stains from enamel.
6. Use alcohol-free mouthwash
Mouthwash rinses away the food, liquids, and bacteria that can stain your teeth or cause unsightly dental problems. Use alcohol-free mouthwash, though, as alcohol can dry out the tissues in your mouth to cause dry mouth and dental health problems.
7. Address dental health problems early
Early treatment can prevent serious or permanent damage from tooth and gum disease. Many dental diseases can cause receding gums, loose teeth, and other side effects that alter the overall look of your smile. Get treatment while dental health problems are in the earliest stages, when they respond best to treatment.
8. Get your tooth ‘shade’ if possible
Teeth come in a variety of shades – one person’s teeth might be naturally whiter than another person’s teeth. Getting your tooth shade helps you determine if your teeth whitening efforts are working. A change in just two or three shades can make a dramatic difference.
9. Get a cleaning first to remove plaque
Before you get your tooth shade, though, get a professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and other substances that might be affecting the shade of your teeth. After plaque removal, you’ll be able to better see your natural tooth state, and identify if cosmetic dentistry, like teeth whitening, is needed.
10. Get a consultation to make sure your teeth are in good health
Certain dental problems, such as thin tooth enamel, can make your teeth look yellow. Thin enamel allows the pale brown substance beneath the enamel, called dentin, to show. For more information about keeping your pearly whites illuminated, visit our contact page to talk with our professional staff about a consultation to better the health of your teeth.
Serving the North Raleigh area for 18 years, VP Dental is dedicated to treating each patient as an individual and focuses on total body health. The team stays current using the very latest in dental technology, wellness practices, and concierge dental care practices. Our goal is to create relationships that make people look and feel their best.